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Bright Mode

Version 1.5 of the Big Bob theme introduced Bright Mode.

Most websites are designed with the default settings as dark text on a light background. The Big Bob theme is distinct because the default settings are light text on a dark background. The default settings for the Big Bob theme are often referred to as dark mode. So in the interest of accommodating those that are interested in creating a website using a more traditional color palette, the Big Bob theme has added Bright Mode to the customizer.

Putting the Big Bob theme into Bright Mode is easy. Simply open the color section of the customizer, then switch Bright Mode to on. Once you’ve done that, you’ll probably also want to change your background color to something lighter, and you should also switch on the shadow halo control to see if you like the way that looks.

You can click on the image below to see a demo of a bright styled site.

Big Bob's Arcade
123 Overpriced Street
San Francisco, CA 12345