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Featured Images

When building a new page or post in WordPress, you have the option of adding a featured image. In the Big Bob theme, when the page or post is part of your home page or part of a feed, it is placed in between the content and the title, but when it is read on its own page, it is set into the background like the picture you see behind this text.


As of the publication of this update, I’ve switched the background style for this section of this demo site to nearly opaque. But if you want to see a sample of default readability, you can see it here.


The best part is, with the Big Bob theme, you don’t have to worry about cutting your image to fit the screen. The Big Bob theme will resize your image to maximum size the screen will allow based on the image’s original proportions. To see a visual representation of this, try resizing your screen or check out the compatibility section.

Big Bob's Arcade
123 Overpriced Street
San Francisco, CA 12345